I couldn't locate a photo of the house on Covina Hills Road. I am sure they are in a box somewhere . The view in this photo is pretty much as how I remember the place.
I didn't actually live in that home very long as, unexpectedly, I was about to start my own family not too long after the move in.
I can't remember exactly when my folks bought the property out in Covina, maybe in the late forties or late fifties. We would drive out to the property on weekends from Rosemead and spend the day and have picnics. It was all very rural and we had a ball climbing around in the trees and climbing the hills.
There was an old mine located across the street and up the hill. It was a good hike to get up to the mine but tons of fun to explore there.
When I was in Girl Scouts I earned my Wildflower badge collecting various specimens that grew wild on the property. In recalling these adventures I can almost hear the sounds of the red wing blackbirds, feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and smell the fresh clean air. Good times.
About midway through high school I my parents began making plans for the home they were to build during my senior year. Mom's dream home it was called. When construction actually began I was asked to look at tile and wallpaper samples and choose what I would like for my room.
This was the house I came home to after my summer in Europe. And I never even had to lift a finger in move.
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