George Washington
Father of Our Country
I'm going to pretend I am still a kid again when we celebrated George's birthday with cherry pie and tales about how the Father of Our Country could not tell a lie when confronted, axe in hand, by his father, "George, did you chop down this cherry tree?"
He could have been America's first king, but instead he chose to step down after serving two terms as President. He also escaped an assassination attempt and that would have been a whole other story.
We had two holidays in February. February 12 was Lincoln's Birthday, giving Republicans a day to hold fund raising dinners and talk politics.
February 22 we got cherry pies and mattress sales. Then it was decided it would be nice to honor Martin Luther King Jr. and his birthday is in January. So a February day got swapped out since banks can only be closed ten days a year.
So here we are. February is Black History Month but without any holidays, just history when they get around to talking about it. Washington and Lincoln get smooshed with all the other's for President's Day. And you are not allowed an axe in the White House.
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