Monday, March 10, 2014

Fukushima - March 11, 2011 – The Anniversary of the beginning but not the end

Fasting For Fukushima

In the beginning there was so much talk, the usual media crews were sent in to cover the “Breaking News”.  And almost as quickly as they came across the waters to the island nation of Japan they left, quietly and not even leaving a wake.

The story isn’t finished but continues to grow and now in addition to the radiated steam being the story, add to that the cover ups and lies which has spread from Japanese companies and government to our own U.S. government.

Here are a snippet of stories you can read to see what is happening three years later.

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Miles O’Brien Takes PBS Fishing for Radiation at Fukushima:

"Miles O’Brien's first piece took us on a terrifying “post apocalyptic” tour inside Fukushima. His third and final piece will air Tuesday, March 11, the third anniversary of the beginning of the Fukushima disaster."

Documentary Spotlight: The Horses of Fukushima 

“Less than 20 km away, 40 horses miraculously survived the tsunami. But when the government commanded people to evacuate the disaster zone, many of the horses were left behind to starve.”

PBS Takes Us on a Terrifying ‘Post-Apocalyptic’ Tour Inside Fukushima 

“Or, as PBS puts it, the nuclear “apocalypse” along the coast of Japan, daily pouring 300 tons of lethal isotopes into our ocean eco-system. This brave and fascinating excursion into Fukushima’s innards features footage of the infamous Unit Four spent fuel pool, where Tokyo Electric is trying to bring down extremely radioactive fuel rods whose potential killing power is essentially unfathomable.”

Leaked Emails Expose NRC’s Cover-Up of Safety Concerns Days After Fukushima Disaster

“According to a report from NBC, a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) campaign to reassure people about nuclear safety standards coincided with agency experts consistently presenting similar questions behind the scenes. Through a Freedom of Information Act request, NBC acquired a string of March 2011 emails that clearly show the cover-up.”


  1. I just wrote a really good comment...and then it disappeared. I ask that you enjoy my comment anyway. Just imagine what I might have written and then savor the wisdom contained therein.

  2. What's going on? You are losing why too many comment/posts lately. Could it be the work of the NSA? I can only imagine what you had to say. Thanks.
