Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mad Men - Fan Control TV Style

Will the act of Season Interruptus be the downfall for Mad Men? The long-awaited new season will finally get kicked off this Sunday on AMC's two-hour special season premier.

I have to admit I was a big fan of the show in past seasons so we shall see if old habits die hard. But I'm not part of the camp that wants to see Donald Draper redeem himself. I've always been a fan of the 'bad boy' so occasional musings by This Donald over a bottle of scotch now and again, that's OK, but don't go too far Don and turn yourself into a saint. Like that would happen.

The series is set in a 1960's time period and draws its strength from that, so it almost has its own built-in ending - the passage of time.

But I am looking forward to seeing what everyone has been up to while the curtains were drawn.

1 comment:

  1. I was kind of glad that Walking Dead in this timeslot ended and Game of Thrones doesn't start on HBO til next week. Should I become a Sunday night slave to this show Annie? I've only watched it once or twice.
