Rep. Jeanie Riddle from Mokane, Callaway County, Missouri
Rep. Riddle is a supporter of HB124 which would provide the early site permit for Callaway Nuclear Plant #2. I suppose this comes as no surprise since Callaway Nuclear Plant #1 is located in her district.
If you are interested in listening to 17:23 minutes of introductory chat on HB124 you can listen to it here but I warn you it is all about money and electric rates AND NOT ONE WORD ABOUT SAFETY. In the spirit of fairness the date of this committee hearing was before the Fukushima disaster, unlike Rep. Riddle short comments in the above video.
(courtesy of MBEF - Missourians for a Balanced Energy Future)
The nuclear site permit bill, which allows Missouri to obtain a site permit for the potential construction of a second nuclear power plant in Callaway County, has statewide support. In addition to the endorsement of Missourians for a Balanced Energy Future, this bipartisan legislation is endorsed by dozens of organizations that understand the need for creating a long-term plan for keeping Missouri’s electric rates as low as possible while meeting future demand for clean, reliable energy.
This list is growing daily. If your organization would like to be added to this list, please email
Elected Officials
- Gov. Jay Nixon- Sen. Mike Kehoe
- Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal
- Sen. Jane Cunningham
- Sen. Tom Dempsey
- Sen. Bob Dixon
- Sen. Kevin Engler
- Sen. Tim Green
- Sen. Brad Lager
- Sen. Jim Lembke
- Sen. Ryan McKenna
- Sen. Brian Munzlinger
- Sen. Brian Nieves
- Sen. Mike Parson
- Sen. Ron Richard
- Sen. Scott Rupp
- Sen. Rob Schaaf
- Sen. Kurt Schaefer
- Sen. Bill Stouffer
- Sen. Jay Wasson
- Sen. Robin Wright-Jones
- Rep. Jeannie Riddle
- Rep. Jay Barnes
- Rep. Tony Dugger
- Rep. Mike Bernskoetter
- Rep. Steve Cookson
- Rep. Sandy Crawford
- Rep. Charlie Davis
- Rep. David Day
- Rep. Charlie Denison
- Rep. Tony Dugger
- Rep. Sue Entlichter
- Rep. Ward Franz
- Rep. Chuck Gatschenberger
- Rep. Don Gosen
- Rep. Jason Holsman
- Rep. Jay Houghton
- Rep. Andrew Koenig
- Rep. Bart Korman
- Rep. Bill Lant
- Rep. Donna Lichtenegger
- Rep. Thomas Long
- Rep. Mark Parkinson
- Rep. Darrell Pollock
- Rep. Craig Redmon
- Rep. Todd Richardson
- Rep. Rodney Schad
- Rep. Dwight Scharnhorst
- Rep. Dave Schatz
- Rep. Stephen Webber
- Rep. Bill White
Investor-Owned Utilities
- Ameren- Empire District Electric
- Kansas City Power & Light
- Missouri Energy Development Association
Rural Electric Cooperatives
- Atchison-Holt- Barry
- Barton County
- Black River
- Boone
- Callaway
- Central Electric Power
- Central Missouri
- Citizens
- Co-Mo
- Consolidated
- Crawford
- Cuivre River
- Farmers'
- Gascosage
- Grundy
- Howard
- Howell-Oregon
- Intercounty
- Laclede
- Lewis County
- M & A Power
- Missouri Rural
- New-Mac
- North Central
- Northeast MO Electric Power
- NW Electric Power
- Osage Valley
- Ozark
- Ozark Border
- Palmyra Board of Public Works
- Permiscot-Dunklin
- Platte-Clay
- Ralls County
- Sac Osage
- Se-Ma-No
- Sho-Me Power
- Southwest
- Three Rivers
- Tri-County
- United
- Webster
- West Central
- White River Valley
School Districts
- Eldon School DistrictMunicipal/Public Utilities
- Carollton Municipal Utilities- Carthage Water & Electric Plan
- Chillicothe Municipal Utilities
- City of Albany
- City of Butler
- City of Fayette
- City of Fulton
- CIty of Higginsville
- City of Holt Summit
- City of Independence
- CIty of Jackson
- City of Kahoka
- City of La Plata
- City of Marceline
- CIty of Milan
- City of Odessa
- CIty of Paris
- City of Rockport
- City of Rolla
- City of Shelbina
- City of Trenton
- City of West Plains
- Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission
- Kirkwood Electric
- Macon Municipal Utilities
- Missouri Association of Municipal Utilities
- Palmyra Board of Public Works
- Rolla Board of Public Works
Economic Development Organizations
- East Central Missouri Development Association- The Gateway Leadership Foundation
- Lake of the Ozarks Regional Economic Development Council
- Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission
- MissouriCore
- Missouri Economic Development Council
- Missouri Farm Bureau
- Moniteau County Regional Economic Development Council
- Northeast Missouri Development Partnership
- Rolla Regional Economic Commission
Chambers of Commerce
- Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce- Jefferson City Chamber of Commerce
- Maryland Heights Chamber of Commerce
- Alliant Bank- Continental Cement
- Diamond Pet Foods
- Emerson Electric
- Fred Weber, Inc.
- Mississippi Lime
Labor Organizations
- BAC Local 15 Mo/KS- Boilermakers LU 27
- Boilermakers LU 83
- Bricklayers LU 1
- Columbia, Jefferson City, Mo. & Vicinity Building and Construction Trades Council
- D.C. #2 Painters
- Heat & Frost Insulators & Asbestos Workers LU 1
- Heat & Frost Insulators & Asbestos Workers LU 63
- IBEW 11th Dist.
- IBEW LU 1439
- IBEW LU 1455
- IBEW LU 257
- International Union of Elevator Constructors LU 3
- International Union of Operating Engineers LU 148
- International Union of Operating Engineers LU 513
- Ironworkers LU 396
- Joplin Building & Construction Trades Council
- Kansas City Building & Construction Trades Council
- Laborers LU 662
- Missouri AFL-CIO
- Northeast Building & Trades Council
- Pipefitters LU 533
- Plumbers & Pipefitters LU 178
- Plumbers & Pipefitters LU 45
- Plumbers & Pipefitters LU 562
- Plumbers LU 8
- Roofers LU 20
- Sedalia Building & Construction Trades Council
- Sheet Metal Workers LU 2
- Sheet Metal Workers LU 36
- Southeast Building & Construction Trades Council
- Springfield Building & Construction Trades Council
- St. Joseph Building & Construction Trades Council
- St. Louis Building & Construction Trades Council
- Teamsters LU 833
- UA Road Sprinkler Fitters LU 669
Cities and Counties
- Callaway County Commission- Camden County Commission
- City of California
- City of Kirkwood
- City of Lebanon
- City of Linn Creek
- City of Osage Beach
- City of Rolla