A new year, a new season. Don't you love it? Freshly mowed grass, hot dogs, beer... the sounds of the crowd... cheers, boos, ohs and ahs.
I love baseball and I'm not exactly sure why I do. It's not fast paced like hockey and it doesn't have as many fights. It doesn't show as much skin as basketball and there aren't any positions called tight ends.
But there is something so innately American about baseball. The fans seem more like average people. You've got the bums in the bleachers and the high-rollers in the sky boxes and everybody else in between. Singles, marrieds, families and drunks. Sunshine and rain and on occasion snow.
If your a Cub fan you dream and pray and dream and dream and dream. You learn to live with disappointment but every year you show up and you take your seat and say, "This is the year."
I enjoyed this blog until THIS!!!! No respectable St. Louisan could have written this! Arrrggghhhh!