I have always loved the artwork that my children and grandchildren did at school. Each and everyone a treasure of unlimited value. This one
Bee Mine is my latest addition and I thought it worthy enough to share. The artist lives in California as you can probably tell from the beautiful sunshine. His name is Oliver and quite multi-talented. He has a coffee-table book published which I can boast ownership of as well. When he isn't busy with his artistic endeavors you can find him out on the soccer field scurrying around with his team mates. We will hear more about Oliver in the days and months to come.
From time to time I will share with you other art treasures from this talented extended family of mine. No telling what spring cleaning this year will undercover for the world to see when I get to taking down those boxes that have been stored away for so long. It might be very exciting.
Enjoy the sunshine, feel the warmth.
Hello Mother - Glad to see you sharing your treasures with others. I am happy you’re enjoying Oliver’s artistic talents. It really is amazing to see what he comes up and I am so happy his school allows time for things like that. - Mark