Friday, February 27, 2009
Freaky Friday
I'm thinking about making Fridays "good tip" day. Not sure if this will work out since as of this moment I can only think of one good tip. So again I have laid down a challenge for myself, come up with something worthy of being called a good tip in the next seven days.
Anyway, I couldn't get to sleep last night so I ended up watching The Doctors, this TV show that has these four doctors on it where they discuss various subjects. One doctor is a plastic surgeon, one works in ER, another is an OB-GYN, and the fourth one I don't remember his expertise but I do remember his good tip.
Ladies, you will like this one, and men, don't poo-poo this, you guys can get the turkey-wobble too. Here is this Friday's Good Tip: a little exercise to tighten up the chin line:
Pucker up your lips, like for a BIG KISS and then look up at the ceiling. Hold that pose for five seconds and relax. Repeat this five times.
The doctor didn't say, but I guess you could do this exercise several times a day. Why not it sure is easy enough. I'm not sure the plastic surgeon liked the exercise so much as he had his thermage device at the ready.
But there you have it a good tip for this Friday.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sorry Barnes & Nobel
Before the end of last year I decided to take a hard look at all my expenses to see where I could institute some savings. It turned out to be easier and less pain full than I had anticipated. In just a couple of months I can already see the results with a much fatter bank account.
I was always a vociferous book buyer. I would go into Barnes & Nobel to purchase a specific book and end up leaving with a bag full of wonderful novels. I love books, especially hard bound ones, despite the fact I really didn't have a room full of shelves on which to story my books after they were read.
Recently I checked out my property tax bill to see how much I was paying each year to my county library system. It turns out I pay about sixty dollars annually for something I really wasn't using. Well, I decided this was silly and I really should get the library habit. My local library is only about a fifteen minute walk from my condo, which means I get that little added exercise-plus when I go to pick-up or return a book.
I keep little lists of recommended books that I hear about and I love going to the library website on my computer and searching these titles out. I request the book on-line and then my library sends me an email when it is available for pick-up. Talk about service. I love it and it makes me feel good that I am personally getting value out of my tax dollars.
Of course I didn't use the library the first eighteen years I lived here so that make that very first book I picked up quite valuable, a rare edition indeed. I am making headway though and I will be ahead of the game before long. None of this takes into account the research materials that I use that are available through the library's site on-line. That's an extra plus.
Well, I'm off to the library now. Happy reading.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
America's First Ladies
What is it about First Ladies? They seem to be a special breed. I remember commenting on more than one occasion the Laura Bush would make a perfect permanent First Lady. She always had such a pleasant smile and spoke with determination in her unique soft southern style.
And while Michelle Obama has been our First Lady for just a little over a month I have that same warm feeling about her as I did Laura Bush. Michelle has a caring and tenderness about her that comes straight from her heart. I watched her last night assuring little Ty-Seoma Bethea with a hug and tender touch and I thought she is not only our First Lady but our country's First Mother.
As a women, mother and grandmother I see our First Ladies being a comforter to families in need, encourager to small children and supporter to the men they married. The job of First Lady is an expanded and very public version of our own job as wife and mother. She really is a reflection of all ourselves. It makes you feel proud to be a woman.
Now get out there ladies and kick-up some dust!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A Soldier's Letters
It is hard to put a value on the packet of letters I found in an old tin box that belonged to my grandmother. It turns out that these handwritten pages hold the last four months of thoughts my Uncle John wrote to his mother before his death in France during World War I. He died on November 7, 1918 and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his extraordinary heroism.
I never had a chance to meet my Uncle John, as he died almost twenty years before my birth, but I am getting to know him through my research on his short life. I wish I could travel back in time and ask my grandmother to tell me all about him. I never remember her talking about him but the sorrow to lose a first-born son must have been very deep.
I have this idea to write a little book based upon these letters as a tribute to my uncle. The research process is taking a discipline that on some days I find I am hopelessly lacking. But I will try to stay focused.
Monday, February 23, 2009
And the Oscar goes to...
... the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences!
Wow, what a great show last night. And to think it took a tanking economy to have them get it right. I guess just spending tons of money doesn't necessary guarantee success.
I loved the way former recipients honored each individual nominee, instead of just reading from a list. It was a class act. And who knew that Hugh Jackman was so talented, singing and dancing his way through hosting the show like a true professional.
The dresses were beautiful and the acceptance speeches didn't drone on and on. Really a very enjoyable evening, I never changed channels once.
Now back to real life.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
It's Oscar Night
It's a big night in Hollywood and even Oscar is making sure he will look his best. What is it about the Academy Awards that draws us in? Is it the films that are nominated, the glamour and glitz of Hollywood's big night or just seeing all those stars up close and personal in our very own living room?
There have been years when I have seen each and every film on the list and other years when I can't even claim one that I have seen. I remember a time when the Academy Awards were eagerly awaited and filled with excitement. But now there are so many of these award shows it seems by the time Oscar Night rolls around I have become super-saturated with "and the winner is...".
Last night I watched the Independent Spirit Awards, which by award-show standards is anything but glitzy. I like independent films even though they are hard to find in your locale theaters. But last night's shows is getting as goofy as all the others. The Spirit allows and even encourages profanity, ignore the fact any @#%## are bleeped and pix elated. Some of the winners comments last night became nothing more than a blur of pix elation. And the award for class-act goes to...
Now that most films are available on DVD in a relatively short period of time I have started classifying films as 'theater-worthy' or 'wait for DVD'. This year I have a number in my Netflix queue awaiting viewing next month.
I thought Revolutionary Road had really two of the great performances of the year. It is about acting, isn't it? Perhaps not if The Wrestler walks away with everything tonight. I think maybe Johnny Depp playing the lead role would have made a really interesting film.
Well time to get ready for tonight's show, hair and make-up calls. I hope my dress got delivered in time. Enjoy the show.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Such Sweetness
I have always loved the artwork that my children and grandchildren did at school. Each and everyone a treasure of unlimited value. This one Bee Mine is my latest addition and I thought it worthy enough to share. The artist lives in California as you can probably tell from the beautiful sunshine. His name is Oliver and quite multi-talented. He has a coffee-table book published which I can boast ownership of as well. When he isn't busy with his artistic endeavors you can find him out on the soccer field scurrying around with his team mates. We will hear more about Oliver in the days and months to come.
From time to time I will share with you other art treasures from this talented extended family of mine. No telling what spring cleaning this year will undercover for the world to see when I get to taking down those boxes that have been stored away for so long. It might be very exciting.
Enjoy the sunshine, feel the warmth.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Getting Started
I think my First Post must be like a baby's First Step, wanting to get so desperately to the other side of the room but wobbly and unsure of just how to get there. Maybe today's goal will not be to get to the other side of the room but just to manage to get to the first chair in sight.
I don't want to complain about the weather but boy this winter has been a chilly one. We didn't have a lot of snow, which I love, I find a really snowy day quite uplifting. But I am ready for a little warm up and to be able to get outside for my walks without being bundled from head to toe. Mark my word in a few shorts months you will hear me say how I hate getting up at dawn to get my walk in before the temperature gets too hot.
The city has built a new lake and I see it from a distance when I walk. It has been in the "settling stage" for about a year now. Word is that it will be filled with water this spring. I am looking forward to the birth of a full-fledged lake and being able to add a new destination to my route when I venture out.
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