Before I get to
the nitty-gritty of this issue let’s make sure we all understand the terms
being used here.
everlasting, as in forever and ever, i.e. longer than a marriage lasts.
place for storing something, in this case safe storage of nuclear waste.
Nuclear Waste:
the lethal by-product of the nuclear age. There is high-level and
low-level waste produced in the manufacture of nuclear weapons and in the
irradiated fuel from commercial nuclear power reactors. Simple put it is the
‘stuff’ left over when you have produced what you intended to produced. Unlike
pie scrapes these leftovers can’t be used again and they are highly toxic.
At one time we
had 104 operating nuclear power plants in the United States, now there are 100
in operation. All 104 of these power plants produced nuclear waste, waste that
is stored on-site in what is termed “temporary storage’. This spent nuclear
waste is stored on-site in spent fuel pools and dry cask storage.
Spent fuel pools
were designed as a place where the “hot” used fuel rods could be first put to
cool down. The idea was that in three to five years this spent fuel or waste
would then be moved to permanent storage where it would remain for the next
1,000 or 2,000 years.
It would be a
safe location deep underground with tons of concrete surrounding it. When safe
was first talked about it meant a location where the people and the environment
would not be in harm’s way from any kind of lethal exposure. Today safe has
been broadened to include safe from a terrorist’s access to the spent fuel.
In 1982 the
Nuclear Waste Policy Act was passed by Congress, this required the
establishment of a repository for nuclear waste, which was to be carried out by
the Department of Energy (DOE). To fund this operation fees were assessed on
the electricity that companies were generating from their nuclear power
facilities and in turn these fees were passed on the ratepayers.
That was
thirty-one years ago and we still don’t have a plan in place but we do have
spent nuclear fuel piling up. This past April a bipartisan quartet of senators
drafted a bill that would change how the U.S. stores nuclear waste.
The draft bill
would enable the transfer of spent nuclear fuel currently being held at the
commercial nuclear facilities to an intermediate
storage site. This might be considered an official ‘pass the buck move’, while
states and local governments decide who gets to host the nation’s long-term waste repository.
Host? People
this isn’t a party being given where if you are lucky your guests leave by
midnight. This is more like when your college age kids decide to move back home
on a permanent basis.
Another thing
this draft legislation does is create yet another federal agency, this one to
manage nuclear waste, taking the job away from the DOE. The problem hasn’t
necessarily been with the DOE, the problem is nobody wants to be home to a
permanent nuclear waste dump, aka long term storage site for spent nuclear
This condition is
known as NIMBY - Not In My Back Yard. It manifests itself in many conditions
and is widespread in the nuclear waste business. There is no shortage in
corporations that will take on nuclear waste storage; it is a big bucks
business, just like the manufacture of arms. But finding a location or
locations for a permanent storage site is quite a different matter.
It is literally
that political football that keeps getting kicked around in a game that today
still has an undefined end time.
Moving nuclear
waste to an intermediate storage site doesn’t make much sense, because it will
still need to be moved again to a permanent site. The act of moving nuclear
waste always entails a degree of risk.
Experts, free
from political influence, should tell us the best location for putting this
waste to rest. They need to tell us the place where it is safest to humans and
to the environment and then this is where it will be stored.
Now if this
can’t be accomplished then the next move would be to require that each facility
that has and is producing nuclear waste be required to build its own permanent
long-term storage site. That way everybody’s back yard gets to play in the
game, no favorites.
And finally (and
it should seem obvious) we need to stop producing nuclear waste! We just have no
place to put what we have now, we can’t keep adding to the pile.
In the appeals
court decision the court found that spent nuclear fuel stored on-site “poses a
dangerous, long-term health and environmental risk.” It’s a nuclear conundrum.
The clock is
ticking, and with every tick we get closer to the alarm going off. It is time to wake up people; we need to do
something, now.
Further Reading:
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Lander County Nevada Yucca Mountain Oversight Program
(4) Senators Float Nuclear
Waste Storage Draft Bill -
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