Wednesday, April 28, 2010
“Go say you’re sorry.”
I wonder how many times as a child you were told by your parents to "go say you were sorry" for something you did? And then as you grew up and became a parent yourself, did you repeat that same message to your children?
I think today "I'm sorry" is becoming a meaningless expression. You can be sorry for an inadvertent act, bumping into someone or stepping on their foot, but to be apologetic for a willful act, such as calling a person a name or cheating on your spouse, I find a bit insincere. Unless, of course, you are saying, "I am sorry I got caught" or "I am sorry you had to hear that." Better to slow down and think before you act or speak and if you still mess up in the minds of others stick by your guns and take your lumps.
Joe Biden was sorry for his f---ing remark, but probably not for saying it, but sorry it was heard by ears other than the President. Simple, think before you speak! England's Prime Minister called a women a bigot and then later apologized saying he didn't believe that. Why say it in the first place if that is not what you believe, think before you speak!
Jesse James, Tiger Woods…etc. etc. all were sorry for screwing (up) literally but if they are being truthful the apology would probably read, "Man, I am really sorry I got caught." Sure you can be sorry for the pain and suffering you cause someone, but come on, think before you act. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking."
All these lame apologies are beginning to dilute the true meaning of being sorry, soon the word will have no meaning at all, even when you step on my foot, bump into me or are late for an appointment. I am sorry you had to waste your time reading this.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Food for Thought
Justice is blind????
If I make an illegal copy of a copyrighted DVD I could receive a $250,000 fine and/or five years in prison. However, in Missouri if I were to be distracted by my cell phone while driving and that act inadvertently caused an accident in which I killed three people, I would be sentenced to 371 days, time served, for manslaughter. Food for thought.
Monday, April 19, 2010
New Canine Grandson in the Family
This weekend brought the arrival of Alfie, natural brother to Henri, to the California family. "It's a long story", my daughter-in-law wrote, but I was told Alfie's owner could no longer keep him and so Alfie joins his litter-mate, Henri in Southern California.

Alfie and Henri
Henri and Alfie
Sleep well my Little Prince
Thursday, April 15, 2010
It's that time of year
My Granddaughter Nathalie's Senior Picture
I think this is how she will always remain in my mind's eye. Hard to believe that graduation day is not far off and she will be heading off to college soon. Seems like only yesterday she got the award for "loudest baby in the hospital nursery". But if I know Nathalie, she will continue to make "noise" as she treks through life. Love your picture Nat and I love you too.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Goings on in Missouri’s Capitol
Photo by Tim Bommel, Photojournalist Missouri State Capitol
My daughter, in the red dress, meeting Michael Reagan, son of Ronald Reagan
at the Missouri Capitol this week
Just this past Saturday I attended a Women's Leadership Luncheon held at my daughter's home for Sue Allen who is running for re-election as representative for the 92nd District. Sue and my daughter share an apartment together in Jeff City when the legislature is in session. So you can probably imagine that their off-time is filled more with politics than soap opera catch ups. Anyway back to Saturday's luncheon.
I learned something about myself that day and about my willingness to listen or not listen when someone is speaking that has an opposing view. I found myself willing to listen when an issue was being discussed, but when personalities were brought into the mix I turned off. I wonder if this is what's going on today with politics in general. This "line in the sand" stance with the Hatfield's on one side and the McCoy's on the other isn't the most productive way to get things done in my opinion.
I don't know about you but I am getting tired of all the ugliness that is out there. I would hope man has evolved enough from his club-swinging cave days to be much more reasonable and rational. I think it is time that we speak up and tell all the political entertainers that we would rather see them working together for us and not working so hard for sound bites on the evening news.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Adieu Mr. Allen
Eugene Allen - July 12, 1919 - March 31, 2010
On March 31, 2010, Eugene Allen died, he was ninety years old. The news of his death made me sad and proud all at the same time. I would have been proud to have known him, to have been his daughter or for him to have been my son. His path was one my own feet would never step upon, his eyes were witness to events my own eyes will never see and his ears heard many things that even his own lips would never repeat. There were doubtless many famous and important hands that shook the hand of Eugene Allen.
In 1952 he was in his early thirties and heard of a job opening at the White House. He was hired as a pantry man for $2,400 a year, his job involved washing dishes, stocking cabinets and shinning silverware. It was during the Reagan presidency that Mr. Allen became maitre d', this being the most prestigious position among White House butlers. For thirty-four years he worked in the White House, he served eight presidents and during that period was privy to many historical conversations, some that would have a direct effect on his own life.
Mr. Allen and his wife, Helene, were invited to attend a State Dinner as guests of then President and Nancy Reagan. At dinner that night he enjoyed as a guest the champagne that only earlier in the day he himself had stacked in the White House kitchen. Many young people questioned him as to why he would keep working as a butler with its connotations of subservience, but Mr. Allen's reply was always that the job gave him great pride.
He worked until his retirement in 1986. His wife of sixty-five years passed away on the eve of the 2008 presidential election, he would go to vote alone on yet another historic occasion in his long life. On January 20, 2009 he would receive a VIP invitation to attend the swearing-in of President Obama, complete with a Marine guard escort to his seat. His own pride shown through his tear glisten eyes that day as he watch the first black man take the oath of office of President of the United States.
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